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Buy Suzie's Treats, Tinctures & Salve

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Buy Suzie's Treats, Tinctures & Salve - Suzie’s 50 mg Salve-Helps The Hurts for Dogs and Cats - 1 ounce sizes
Suzie’s 50 mg Salve-Helps The Hurts for Dogs and Cats - 1 ounce sizes
Price: $24.95


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Ingredients: shea butter*, hempseed Oil, Olive Oil*, Safflower Oil*, Beeswax, Calendula*, Plantain Leaf*, Yarrow*, Oregon Grape*, Vitamin E, Rosemary Extract*, CBD*
*USDA Organic Ingredients


Made with food grade ingredients. Safe if ingested.

These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to treat, cure or prevent any disease.



Salve Uses: Sunburns, dry cracked paws, dry cracked noses, insect bites, repellent, burns, cuts, scrapes, hot spots, dryness, itchiness, soreness, bruises, sprains, pain relief


Shea Butter: Soothes, softens, and hydrates cracked paws. Can be used to condition you dog’s fur and keep it silky, shiny, and soft. Helps to soothe irritation, red bumps, dry scaly skin, and small cuts and wounds.


Hempseed Oil: High in Omega’s and helps to moisturize without clogging pores.


Olive Oil: Protects against UV radiation which can lead to cancer. Soothes after a sunburn.


Safflower Oil: Moisturizer that contains alpha-linoleic acid. Said to help maintain the integrity of the outer layer of your skin by preventing flaking.


Beeswax: Contains propolis which is rich in bioflavonoids. It is effective against viruses, harmful bacteria, yeasts, and fungi. Has anti-inflammatory properties, helps prevent allergies. Creates protective barrier for the skin and paws locking in moisture and promoting natural repair. Helps hotspots and rashes.


Calendula: Brings quick, soothing relief to pain and swelling while lending antimicrobial properties to help the body’s healing efforts. Can help with dermatitis caused from flea bites, poison ivy, eczema, or sunburn. Antimicrobial/astringent. Useful for treating burns .


Plantain Leaf: great wound healer and anti-inflammatory. Used frequently to treat insect bites and sting, poison ivy, and burns. It can even work as a drawing agent, pulling foreign bodies out of paws and ears.


Yarrow: stops bleeding and disinfectant for wounds. The ASPCA lists yarrow as a toxic plant, but poisoning is rare and the animal would have to consume extremely large amounts. Tannins in yarrow give it a bitter taste, hopefully to prevent the pet from licking the salve. Even if the salve is licked, it will not be toxic. Insect repellent.


Oregon Grape: Helps to fight bacterial and fungal infections. Anti-inflammatory. Flavonoids that may stop the growth of existing tumors and support the growth of white blood cells to fight infections.



50 mg of CBD per 1 ounce tin.

For topical use - rub desired amount on affected area.


Monitor effectiveness and adjust accordingly.

"This product contains less than the legal limit of 0.3% THC"


 1 ounce- 50 mg of CBD 
*  $24.95 
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A Well Fed Pet


Phone: 303-902-7315




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